mandag den 22. februar 2010

Leaving USA

The last day arrived and it started with a shock. The fire alarm at Embassy suites in Raleigh went off at 2.30 in the night! Jens was out saying goodbye to his work friends, so I was alone with the kids. We dressed quickly and started to walk the stairs to go outsid. It was cold!! Luckily enough it was a false alarm, so we could go back to our rooms after a little while. It was not easy to persuade E&N to go back to sleep after that!
Anyway, the Sunday we spent with wonderful friends, who were so kind to have us for the departure day, and drive us to the airport. Thank you so much Kirkegaard framily :o)))
It was with a great deal of sadness we took off, leaving the US that we love! We have met so much kindness, and we are so blessed to be able to get these impressions and memories to share as a family!
Now we have just arrived in a snowy Denmark after many hours of flying. It went OK, but we are all exhausted and jet lagged. It is very nice to be in my house again! The smell of home, and my paintings and all familiar things! Now, we have about 250 kilos of baggage to unpack (I'm not kidding...)

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